jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

Unesco World Heritage Site

Aranjuez Cultural Landscape

I choose this place because are very beautiful place of my country in a city of Aranjuez.When I saw the photos I love it the landscape because are very beuatiful and now I want go to Aranjuez and saw the landscape. I paste some photos and this is the link: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1044/

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Nicky Hayden

The last monday one of the persons I admired died.This person are one of the best riders of motorbikes.He has won a Championship Moto Gp at 2006 wirh team Repsol Honda and he won in last race in Valencia.In 2015 he decied went to another Championship the SBK Championship with Official Honda Team.

 The last Wednesday had a car accident when he rode with a bike and this accident is the cause are died.I hurt so much because Nicky are very good person and a good rider and one hero for me because when he was a children he is dream was a rider but not only he did get it but he was a world champion.

 Nicky always laughing are love ride at motorbike he was a winner and always remember you because you are one of the best for me and I missed you laugihng and your style of rode autenthic style American.

 Ride in Pace champion I pray for you and the anothers riders are with you for Marco,Luis,Norik,Dajiro,Shoya and the anothers champions gas in the sky champions.
My hair style is for you Nicky always in my heart

domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017


Titanic is one of love stories more populars is the history of love succed in a Titanic is very romantic movie and the pepole when look this movie always crying because is a very beuatiful history I look one time but I don't finish because I don't like crying but this movie get I cry

Reading in Pics

This is my picture the picture is a photo when I reading on motorbike and this picture is a task for a class project I like so much the photo

The question is not the place the question is reading

Photographer Alex Farinelli

Alex Farinelli is my favourite photograph and I love a photo he takes to the rider Valentino Rossi under the rain because is impresionant and emotive picture for a lover of motorbikes than me. The Url is my presntation of this photographer and some pictures aslo my favourite picture

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

My helmet

My helmet is the HJC RPHA 11 is one of the better helmets in the world because are a compost of fibers very strong and light helmet some raiders of Moto Gp wear this fantastic model of helmet.
The colors and the design are very nice the fluor yellow is my favourite color and is a good color for helmet because is very striking and all the cars see me.
I bought this helmet because I want a very good helmet and this is the most premium helmet of the brand HJC I choose this brand because my father befor me bought the same helmet but different design and I try the helmet and I love it because are very comfortable.
I don't regret for bought this helmet I m love it with my HJC RPHA 11
Resultado de imagen de hjc rpha 11 oraiser


Gaspar is one of my best friends. He has blonde hair and blue eyes but his hairdress is the same at me as mine the mohicano, he is tall but not taller than me  and he is a slim boy. He is a fantastic boy and very nice person he is a little crazy and is a typical catalan boy, he is very funny and he is always laughing and the girls are crazy about him because they say he is hardsome but for me he is very ugly, it's only a joke.

For my big friend Gaspi

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Some of my life experiencies


  • I have alredy to travel Isle of Man TT
Resultado de imagen de isle of man
  • I have alredy to ink my skin
Imagen relacionada
  • I have already to 125 motorbike
Resultado de imagen de yamaha dt 125x

  • Resultado de imagen de africa paisajesI haven't travelled to Africa yet

    • I haven't travelled to Asia yet
      Resultado de imagen de asia
      I haven't ready to drive a truck yet
      Resultado de imagen de truck wallpaper


      This is my best picture of Italy and is in the maravillous city Roma is the capìtal of Italy and the photo is take in the famous monument the Roman Colosseo.

      This foto is in the second floor of Colosseo in this picture look one on the most beautiful landscape in the world. In the middle of the photo you can see my bag and the rest is the colosseo and in the part superior of the picture there is the sky